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Sept. 19-20, 2024 We have Rob Appell!

You don’t want to miss this one, Trunk show on Thursday and a workshop on Friday.

August 15th will be our first meeting at our new location! Yes, our big move to the Bakersfield Women’s Club. We will have our very own Sharon Casey doing a trunk show!!
Sewing Retreat at The Station
Treat yourself to a mini sewcation right here in Bakersfield. The Station, 7900 Downing Ave #D Bakersfield CA 93308. This wonderful venue will be set up with tables for you and your friends to come and sew!! 5 meals will be provided and it's only $125 for members and $150 for non-members!! Thursday from noon - 10pm and Friday+Saturday from 9am -10pm!!! July 11th, 12th and 13th. We must fill 40 spots ASAP. Please call Robin Hawkesworth to reserve your spot and bring your $75 deposit to our next guild meeting March 21st
Lauretta Crites learned to sew at home. She watched her mother make many of her clothes. Lauretta loved to sew and she made many of her own dresses, costumes & even her High School prom gown. It was no surprise that Lauretta attended CalArts school of theater as a Costume Designer. She spent 15 + years working in LA theaters with Center Theater Group and the Los Angles Opera.

Lauretta's love of Art Quilts came from her attending the Road to California Quilt Show and seeing for the first time, Art Quilts! She was so excited she started taking art quilt classes as fast as she could. Lauretta Crites was hooked in the world of quilting. In 2014, Lauretta opened her Vendor booth "A Couple of Old Broads" with her best friend, Cindy Myers. She was able to go to quilt shows all over the west, continue to learn about the process of making Art Quilts, while making money. She enjoyed meeting many people and having the chance to teach thru her demos. Lauretta began to speak at Quilt Guilds and teach workshops.

Today, Lauretta is focusing on teaching and speaking at guilds and quilt events such as Quilt Show Reno & The Houston Festival. She loves interacting with creative souls and seeing people light up with the possibilities of applying the things they learn in her classes. Cotton Patch Quilters is blessed to have Lauretta speak and teach a class for us!! Hope you can attend. Lauretta Crites Website:

September's Workshop: Pumpkin with Painted Tyvek Leaves

Friday, September 22nd, @ Grace Baptist Church ~ 9:30 - 3:00

Cost for members is $35.00. Non-members $55.00. ( Think of becoming a member of our guild. You'll save $20. on each class. Taking 2 classes would pay for your membership. Plus, we do many others things through out the year. Come join us!)

Class information:

Who knew a lowly mailing envelope could become so beautiful? The durable “fabric” known as Tyvek can be painted and manipulated in a variety of ways to add dimensional embellishments to your art quilts. Like in the leaves of this wall hanging. This is “up-cycling” at its best. “Pumpkin with painted Tyvek leaves” is a process class where participants make fabric for their own future projects.

You will spend the class time working on painting and creating the Tyvek leaves for our pumpkin wall hanging. We will also prepare and shade the pumpkin applique unit. The border piecing and quilting will be done outside of class.  

Lauretta C Undaunated
Lauretta C Witches Boot
Lauretta C Pet Portrait

Kristie Narango

Kristie Narango is a quilt instructor and Certified Teacher for Scrappy Appliqué. She enjoys creating her own quilts, but her greatest joy has been learning new quilt techniques and teaching those to others. Kristie will share the Scrappy Appliqué process and end with a trunk show of projects to inspire quilters to make their own. In this workshop, you will learn the Scrappy Appliqué technique in a fun, engaging environment where everyone will learn the skills to confidently turn any template into an original design.

Kristie Naranjo Head Shot

Nancy Rink.

At our General Meeting, Thursday, May 18th, local artist/teacher Nancy Rink!

Nancy's style is very unique. She is an applique' artist and her stitches are nearly invisible. Nancy's work is exquisite!

CPQ is honored to have such an awesome quilter, quilt & pattern designer & teacher at our monthly GM.

We are truly blessed. In addition to Nancy's mad skills, she has won several awards from many of the top quilt shows, including:

Houston International Quilt Festival - Pacific International Quilt Festival - Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza - Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival - Indiana Heritage Quilt Show - Road 2 California!!!

Nancy did a lecture and fantastic trunk show. She had some of her most popular products for purchase and incredible fat-quarter packs for a steal!

Nancy Rink

October 20th
 -  We will have our very own Karen Blount as our guest speaker.  Karen has been an active member of our guild for many years.  She has been on our Board of Directors for several years.  Currently, Karen is chair of our CPQ at Night meetings.   During our Oct. General Meeting, Karen will be discussing sewing needles.  

There are so many different types of sewing needles.  It can be very confusing to know which needle and the correct size is right for your project.  Using the wrong needle can cause you frustration, broken threads & needles and your stitches coming out wonky.  You won't want to miss Karen's lecture on needles.  

CPQ presents the very talented: Darla Hall ~ awesome quilter & longarmer

Darla will also be presenting her lecture "My Quilting Journey" at our General Meeting on Thursday, 9/15. You won't what to miss that!!


Darla's class, Free Motion Quilting with Fun Fillers! Class date: September 16th, 2022.

You're in for a treat with Darla Hall's Free Motion Quilting with Fun Fillers class. Darla will show us how to make those quilts "pop" with free motion quilting techniques. You will need to purchase the kit, $25.00 which includes: the template, batting, & backing to complete in the class. You will learn some amazing fun fillers which can be used on your domestic machine and a longarm!! You can even turn your sample/learning project into a pillow or frame it. That will be a reminder of how you started and watch how good you'll become with practice.  

Cost of the class: $45. members / $55. non-members

Kit required: $25.00

Lunch is optional and will be $12.00 collected at the class. (complete the Lettuce Eats survey to make your lunch selection)


Bring your sewing machine, free motion foot, thread, basic sewing supplies, and pins or spray base.



Melinda Bula

Quilt Artist, Author, Pattern Designer & Instructor!!

Melinda designs and creates fusible flower quilts. They are gorgeous, unique and look like paintings. She has made a huge name for herself teaching and lecturing around the globe.  We are blessed to have her at our General Guild Meeting and teach a class the following day. Wow!!

Melinda Bula had the pleasure of exhibiting her quilts in the Shelburne Museum in Vermont, Quilt Expo en Beaujolais in France, the International Patchwork Festival in Spain, the Texas Quilt museum and numerous places around the US. She has also taught in Australia.  

Melinda has won over 25 awards including four Best of Show and three 1st place ribbons. In addition, the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky bought Melinda's quilt, "And Our Flag was Still There!". What an honor!!


We are pleased to feature Gwen Weedon at our February General Meeting!!  Gwen will be bringing her "Twenty-five years of Quilting" trunk show to CPQ!!  February 17th.

Gwen has been Quilting for over 30 yrs in San Luis Obispo. She's taken quilt classes from many famous quilters and authors over 25 yrs.  Gwen started to teach Quilting 20 yrs ago. She taught SLO Adult ED quilting classes. Gwen has taught machine quilting classes in many local quilt shops and in local Quilt Guild classes.  Her favorite type of class to teach are Art quilts.  Gwen Weedon has also won several ribbons for her quilts. She won best of Theme at PIQF in 1996.  Her ocean quilt won $500.

Gwen is an artist. She attended art schools and college in Southern California. She was a professional Graphic Artist for over 10 yrs.  Gwen started her own Longarm business in San Luis Obispo, Sonshine Quilting, in 2003.  In the last 3 yrs she has been teaching Art Quilts all over California.  In addition, she has shared her talents and knowledge as an invited speaker to Guilds far and wide.  Her 25 yrs of Quilting Trunk Show",  sharing over 50 quilts along with teaching a 5 hour Ocean Art Quilt class has been very popular.  All of her students have been very happy to finish a complete Ocean Art Quilt quilt top in class.  

Gwen Weedon will be teaching her amazing Ocean Art Quilt class on Friday, February 18th

The Ocean Art Quilt will be approximately 20"x 30".  This makes a beautiful wall hanging.  You will use a selection of fabrics 22" width strips in various ocean colors; sky, water, waves, sand, et cetera.  You will learn to cut wavy strips and sew together to make a beautiful Art Quilt. If you want to add dimension, add some cute seashells.


Sally's Shuppert's Quilted Sweatshirt Jacket Workshop

Sally will teach her very popular Sweatshirt quilted Jacket class on Jan. 21st.  at Grace Baptist Church.  She will adapt the class to offer both adult or child size jackets.  This easy project would be nice for yourself or as a gift.  This project won't be finished in class, however, you'll know exactly what to do and be able to finish easily at home.

Date:  Jan 21
Time:  9:30 - 3:30
Place:  Grace Baptist Church
Cost:  $30.00 members & $40.00 Non members


CPQ's November General Meeting featuring Cheryl Johnson

November 18th 1:00 - 3:00 @ Grace Baptist Church

Cheryl  Johnson is an AQS certified appraiser.  Cheryl was the appraiser at our 2020 Quilt Show.  She will be at our November General Meeting with an informative lecture on preserving and appraising quilts.  Her lecture will be 30 - 45 minutes.  Cheryl will also have time to appraise 3 quilts.  Her appraisal fee is $40.  Cheryl will also take appointments to appraise your quilt at a later time.  She lives in Tehachapi and will happy to come to you.  You can also get with a few friends and meet a one house for Cheryl to appraise quilts.  It takes about 15 - 20 min. to appraise a quilt.  She will take measurement, pictures, notes at the time of the appraisal.  Then she researches the quilt and will provide a written appraisal a few days later.  

Although we only have time for Cheryl Johnson to appraise 3 quilts, we encourage our members to make an appt. with her at our GM.
The first 3 people who contact Penne Sherer will take the 3 spots we will have on Nov. 18th. (one quilt per person for these 3 appt.)



CPQ's October General Meeting featuring Tori McElwain
October 21st 1:00 - 3:00 @ Grace Baptist Church

Tori McElwain is an amazing quilter and longarmer. She has taught workshops on in person and on Zoom.  We have a personal connection to Tori, as she is the daughter of our Director of Quilt Show, Darla Hall. Tori is a talented, intelligent and energetic young lady that will be a joy and inspiration to watch and listen to. Check her out on her Facebook and Instagram accounts. The Quilt Patch by Tori. She will not disappoint you.        Website:

   Tori will be doing a lecture on Color and also a trunk show. 

The lecture & Trunk Show is free to members, visitors will pay $5.00  ~ Please invite your friends.  Remember, our Membership Drive is on until the end of October.  Any member who brings a friend to a meeting, and that friend joins our Guild, each of you will receive 2 packs of Raffle Tickets for our Opportunity Quilt.  Win - Win

Coming May 20th to our General Meeting: Mary Tabar

Lecture: Notan, the Light and Dark of Design

Workshop: Snip & Flip Holiday Star

Mary Tabar is a fiber artist from San Diego who enjoys fabric dying and quilting. She is the author of a line of patterns called 
Snip& Flip. She is passionate about teaching and traveling to educate others in textile art.  She taught quilting, surface design, and fabric dyeing, 
for Palomar Community College and San Diego Continuing Education. She is currently lecturing and teaching for quilt guilds and quilt shows.  CPQ is proud to present Mary's lecture & workshop in May.

Mary's Lecture: Notan, the Light and Dark of Design, will be presented during our May General Meeting on May 20th.  This lecture will be a combination of a short PowerPoint presentation, with a trunk show that details what a Notan design represents.  Quilters will gain confidence to try a new technique of machine appliqué and learn new design ideas.  

Notan is a Japanese term which literally means "light dark harmony". Artists use "notan studies" to explore different arrangements of light and dark elements in paintings and other forms of art.

Mary's Workshop: Star Spangled ~ Snip & Flip Holiday Star, will be on Zoom Friday, May 21st. This workshop will start around 9:30 - 10:00 am (Actual time to be determined)  This workshop students will learn the design of Notan.  They will cut, flip and fuse appliqué squares for machine appliqué.  After learning this new technique, students will want to make several of these fast and fun quilts.  During this workshop, we will be making the Stars pattern.  Freeform border curves are taught in class. 


April: Colleen Granger

General Meeting Lecture: Playing with Pre-Cuts

Date: Thursday, April 15th @ 1:30

Class: Rings of Change 

Date: Saturday, April 17th 2021

Time: 9:30 - 3:00. Place: Zoom, Zoom!!

Cost: $35.00 Members ~ $45.00 Non-Members

Colleen Granger refers to herself as a quilt-aholic. She loves what she does!! She is a quilter, an author, designer, teacher, quilt maker, and long arm machine quilter. Colleen has traveled all around the US to teach. Colleen began Zooming with the rest of us when we could not attend workshops & lectures in person. That is lucky for us!! Colleen Granger will be at our April General Meeting with her lecture, "Playing with Pre-Cuts".


You can go to Colleen's website and find more information on the Rings of Change workshop. She does offer laser cut kits, in two sizes and color ways. Either one would be great for the class. Colleen shows us the technique and we can make our own special Rings of Change quilt. This will be a 5 1/2 hr class.


February 2021

CPQ presents Sandy Corbin. She will be at our GM with her lecture, Let's Talk Borders & also we are offering Sandy's workshop, Butterfly Tablerunner!!!

Sandy Corbin lives in Laguna Hills, California with her husband Brad. She has always had a love for fabrics. Sandy began making quilts in the 70's and in a few years she became obsessed with all things quilting!! In 2002 she started making patterns and "Sandy's Designs" was created. She teaches classes and in 2016, became a "Quilt In A Day" Certified Teacher.

Beach Cities Quilters Guild has been an important part of Sandy's quilting life. She has been a member for 23 years. In 2010 she was the quilt show chair for "FantaSea of Quilts", and co-chaired the 2016 quilt show. Sandy also served as the 20th President of her Guild.

Be sure to check out Sandy Corbin's website: => Click here

Butterfly Table Runner Workshop

Sandy Corbin will be teaching a cool workshop using invisible machine applique. This will be a 2 day Zoom class; 4 hours the first day and 2-3 the second day.


Looks who is coming in January to our CPQ General Meeting!!! It's the Material Girlfriends, Lora Zmak & Lisa Norton. Lora and Lisa are twin sisters. They are fun, exciting, and from what we understand, great presenters. They will be doing a lecture at our January 21st Daytime General Meeting.

Twin sisters, Lisa and Lora have been sewing since they were very young. In 1999, Lisa decided to try quilting and with her neighbor Ingrid, began a block of the month program at her local quilt shop. Unknowingly, Lora, living a 1000 miles away, decided to try quilting and began a block of the month program with her friend, Inger. It’s a twin thing. The sisters took to quilting like ducks to water. As artists, it wasn’t long before the girls were making their own patterns and designs. Fast forward to 2012, the sisters began Material Girlfriends Patterns.

Please join us on January 21st at 1:30 for the Material Girlfriends lecture, Overcoming Quilting Disasters



Overcoming Quilting Disasters: Horror movies are less scary than when you have a HUGE problem with a quilt! Bleeding and shredding and tears, oh my! Chin up, my quilting friend; help has arrived. Enjoy twin sisters, Lora Zmak and Lisa Norton of as they provide you with numerous solutions to Quilting Disasters. Have a particular problem? Bring your quilt and questions and enjoy their humor and expertise. 


These two gals are fun and exciting and will have a lot of great information to share. They are quilters, designers, teachers, and twin sisters. It can't get better than that!! This CPQ lecture is free and will be entertaining. Mark your calendar and invite your friends, you won't want to miss this!!


Pam Hadfield

Pam has been making quilts since the late 1990’s.  She has had an interest in sewing since she was 10 yrs old. Pam focuses on a variety of styles from piecing, applique, wool applique, and pictorial quilts.   Her newest ventures are designing her first two quilt patterns, called Red, White, and Bloom, and Texas Strong. She has taught Beginning Quilting at Saddleback College for Community Education in Mission Viejo, CA. for two years.  

Pam's talent has earned her multiple awards in her local Quilt Guild shows, Road to California, Nashville AQS, Grand Rapids AQS, and Paducah. Her quilts have been exhibited at the Houston International Quilt Show. Two of her quilts have been published in "Quilters Newsletter," "Quilt Mania," and American Quilter Magazines.

Cotton Patch Quilters of Kern County is blessed to have Pam Hadfield's Lecture, Trunk Show and Whimsical Dresden workshop at our guild in October. Be sure to sign up for her workshop as early as possible, as we do have a class limit.  



Tori McElwain

Tori McElwain is an amazing quilter and longarmer. She has taught workshops on in person and on Zoom.  We have a personal connection to Tori, as she is the daughter of our Director of Quilt Show, Darla Hall. Tori is a talented, intelligent and energetic young lady that will be a joy and inspiration to watch and listen to. Check her out on her Facebook and Instagram accounts. The Quilt Patch by Tori. She will not disappoint you.


Tracy Souzas was just in time for Christmas!  She taught a sweet project that combined patchwork, fusible appliqué  & fun stitchery. Embellished with crayon & polka dot buttons, the delightful mini-quilt was enjoyed by everyone! 
Visit her website at:

Plumcute Designs

Plumcute Stitch

quilt skipper icon 
The Quilt Skipper came to Bakersfield! Jenny is a fiber artist, author and teacher from northern California. Her work focuses on free motion quilting on whole cloth and has been juried into the Houston Int’l Quilt Festival, AQS in Paducah, Pacific International Quilt Festival, the Curitiba Quilt Show (Brazil) and numerous juried art shows. She enjoys traveling to teach and lecture on free motion quilting at major shows as well as guilds and shops across the country. She has appeared on Quilting Arts TV as well as The Quilt Show. She is passionate about free motion quilting and authored a book, Free Motion Quilting, Ordinary to Extraordinary. She loves to inspire her students to free motion quilt their own quilts! 
Check her out on her website at

She taught two classes:

Start with a Square

Feathers Four Ways


Pat Knoechel came back to the Guild in November.  She is a Guild favorite.  Pat brought with her a fabulous Trunk Show.  It is refreshing to see and learn from one of the industries leaders.  Pat also taught a class for us, Circle of Friends.  Her practically packed workshop was loved and enjoyed my many.  Look for Pat Knoechel to be back in 2020!!  

Pat Knoechel

Our Sponsors support the guild
and our philanthropic programs
through their donations, services, and gifts.
Please, support those who support us.